Saturday, April 4, 2009

Harpoon Brewery's Brown Session Ale

Pours a deep red, light brown, with a pillowy light tan head that thins to a heavy sheet and stays due to decent carbonation.

Smalls great. The head throws off floral hops and a strong sweet malt. It says it's brewed to accentuate the sweetness of the malt, and they hit that mark for sure. Sweeter than most, but a bit nutty and right on style. Smells remarkably like Saint Arnold's brown.

Decent yet indistinct bitterness. Leans more toward a red than a brown should, but it's a session beer so it's a little lighter in feel and taste than the smell indicated. Nuttier and hoppier than the smell indicated too, and not quite as sweet, which I relate to the fact that the floral hops smell isn't present in the taste.

Pretty good beer. Browns aren't the sexiest stle, but this is a good one that I'll pick up and keep around if I see it in a store.

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