Pours a cloudy deep amber with a light tan head that like many IPAs thins to a sheet, but stays.
I can smell it right as it starts to pour. Both grassy and floral, a bit sharp, and with an alcohol bite to it. Slightly sweet malt is back in there somewhere.
The alcohol stays prominently in the taste, followed by a grassy bitterness, which is finished off by a nutty brown taste, which is very unusual for an IPA. The 8.5% ABV is unusual for an IPA and explains the alcohol bite, but I wish they would have hidden it a bit better. Otherwise, it's a pretty decent beer that is a nice twist on an IPA.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Saigon Beer-Alcohol Beverage Corp.'s Saigon Export
Ingredients: water, malt, rice, hop.
Just one hop?
Pours a clear amber-tinged yellow with a decent head for a lager on the lighter side. Wow, for only 4.9% ABV, this one smells like little more than alcohol. It's like a champagne pilsner, but only once your nose stops burning.
Not too bad of a taste. Kind of like a white grape juice pilsner. A friend of my dad's once wrote a book about Vietnam called Winter's Coming, Winter's Gone, and this must be the tiger piss he wrote about. Good book. Mediocre beer.
Just one hop?
Pours a clear amber-tinged yellow with a decent head for a lager on the lighter side. Wow, for only 4.9% ABV, this one smells like little more than alcohol. It's like a champagne pilsner, but only once your nose stops burning.
Not too bad of a taste. Kind of like a white grape juice pilsner. A friend of my dad's once wrote a book about Vietnam called Winter's Coming, Winter's Gone, and this must be the tiger piss he wrote about. Good book. Mediocre beer.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Odell Brewing Company's India Pale Ale
Pours a hazy, deep amber with a nice tan head. Smells floral, with a sharp alcohol bite right at first. Both mellow to primarily malt. Not really sweet,and not really bready.
Ooof. Tastes like alcohol and sharp bitterness. Not in a good way, either. Thin body that makes it feel and taste week, except for the harshness of the alcohol and a bitterness that isn't really hoppy, just harsh.
Not a good beer, and I'm not drinking any more of it.
Ooof. Tastes like alcohol and sharp bitterness. Not in a good way, either. Thin body that makes it feel and taste week, except for the harshness of the alcohol and a bitterness that isn't really hoppy, just harsh.
Not a good beer, and I'm not drinking any more of it.
India Pale Ale,
Odell Brewing Company
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Grand Teton Brewing Company's Sweetgrass IPA
Nice. A bottle conditioned IPA from a random micro brewery? Should be good.
Pours a nice amber with a good tan head that sticks well. Hazy with quite a few larger particulates floating around on the carbonation. Looks great.
Pretty mils. Sweet malt and slight grassy hops are in there, but it's not as in your face as many IPAs try to be.
Very nice. Bitterness is right on, and it's got a nice body that many IPAs seem to skip. I think the yeast is contributing to the bitterness, but not in a negative way. It just feels bigger than a heavily filtered IPA.
Nice beer. I've had others from Grand Teton but I don't remember liking them this much.
Pours a nice amber with a good tan head that sticks well. Hazy with quite a few larger particulates floating around on the carbonation. Looks great.
Pretty mils. Sweet malt and slight grassy hops are in there, but it's not as in your face as many IPAs try to be.
Very nice. Bitterness is right on, and it's got a nice body that many IPAs seem to skip. I think the yeast is contributing to the bitterness, but not in a negative way. It just feels bigger than a heavily filtered IPA.
Nice beer. I've had others from Grand Teton but I don't remember liking them this much.
Grand Teton Brewing Company,
Sweetgrass IPA
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Great Divide Brewing Company's Wild Raspberry Ale
On the one hand, I like very few fruit beers. On the other, Great Divide is one of my favorite breweries. Here goes.
Wow, throws off a huge sweet malt smell. Not really raspberry, but sweet and bready.
Pours a deep amber, like a red ale, not red like raspberry. Hopefully that means they were subtle about the raspberry.
Good for a fruit beer. It's as bitter as a pale, but not as sharp. It's dulled by the sweet raspberry taste, and then everything fades pretty quickly to a bitter hops and raspberry taste.
I wouldn't ever look for it again, but it's one of the better fruit beers out there. Not in your face like Fort (the one exception to the rule that too much is a bad thing), but enough to tell what it is without completely abandoning the taste and feel of a beer.
Wow, throws off a huge sweet malt smell. Not really raspberry, but sweet and bready.
Pours a deep amber, like a red ale, not red like raspberry. Hopefully that means they were subtle about the raspberry.
Good for a fruit beer. It's as bitter as a pale, but not as sharp. It's dulled by the sweet raspberry taste, and then everything fades pretty quickly to a bitter hops and raspberry taste.
I wouldn't ever look for it again, but it's one of the better fruit beers out there. Not in your face like Fort (the one exception to the rule that too much is a bad thing), but enough to tell what it is without completely abandoning the taste and feel of a beer.
Monday, July 19, 2010
The Hickory Pit
This place is in the old fake Luling City Market off West Gray, and I'm in the area frequently so I thought I'd give it a shot. Plus, I was in between hearings and had plenty of time for lunch and a beer. Or two.
First impression: Five meat combo! Why don't more places do this?
Sauce is light and vinegary. Hint of black pepper, with a non-distinct red pepper zip. Not bad, but meh.
Cole slaw was light instead of sloppy and soaked in mayo, with chives. Good stuff. Pinto beans were well cooked with primarily black pepper and a bit of the sauce, it seems. Good, especially because there's no hint of the ranch style taste that so many places have.
Sausage had a crisp skin and were moderately smoked, but had a bit too much of a summer sausage taste to them. Nicely ground though, not chunky and fatty like a summer sausage.
Pulled pork is nicely smoked and lean. Pulls apart easily and is moist. Good stuff.
Finally, a well-smoked brisket in Houston. It could stand a slight salt rub, but not much of one. It's lean and moist with a substantial smoke layer. Good stuff.
The ribs are a let down after the rest. They're chewy, and because I was here fairly soon after they opened I suspect they're from yesterday. They were also a bit on the cool side. They have a slight rub that tastes like the sauce, which doesn't compliment the meat at all. They were lean and had decent smoke flavor though, so drop the rub and serve them off the smoker and I bet they'll be good.
I won't be back, mostly because it failed to top my favorite Mexican food restaurant in the area, but this place has potential. Just tweak a few things, and it'll be one of the best places in Houston. As it is, it's got a couple of high points but overall is solidly in the pack of halfway decent BBQ places in Houston.
138 West Gray
Houston, Texas 77019
(713) 527-8100
Mon. to Sat. 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
First impression: Five meat combo! Why don't more places do this?
Sauce is light and vinegary. Hint of black pepper, with a non-distinct red pepper zip. Not bad, but meh.
Cole slaw was light instead of sloppy and soaked in mayo, with chives. Good stuff. Pinto beans were well cooked with primarily black pepper and a bit of the sauce, it seems. Good, especially because there's no hint of the ranch style taste that so many places have.
Sausage had a crisp skin and were moderately smoked, but had a bit too much of a summer sausage taste to them. Nicely ground though, not chunky and fatty like a summer sausage.
Pulled pork is nicely smoked and lean. Pulls apart easily and is moist. Good stuff.
Finally, a well-smoked brisket in Houston. It could stand a slight salt rub, but not much of one. It's lean and moist with a substantial smoke layer. Good stuff.
The ribs are a let down after the rest. They're chewy, and because I was here fairly soon after they opened I suspect they're from yesterday. They were also a bit on the cool side. They have a slight rub that tastes like the sauce, which doesn't compliment the meat at all. They were lean and had decent smoke flavor though, so drop the rub and serve them off the smoker and I bet they'll be good.
I won't be back, mostly because it failed to top my favorite Mexican food restaurant in the area, but this place has potential. Just tweak a few things, and it'll be one of the best places in Houston. As it is, it's got a couple of high points but overall is solidly in the pack of halfway decent BBQ places in Houston.
138 West Gray
Houston, Texas 77019
(713) 527-8100
Mon. to Sat. 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Black Sheep Brewery's Holy Grail Ale
You know how you can tell I'm not a serious beer drinker? Because I try stuff like this.
Pours a nice amber, with a good tan head that stays well.
Nice and grassy, with a slight floral smell as well. Not a lot of malt in the smell.
Eh. Kind of empty. It's kind of slightly bitter, and kind of maybe a little like a pale, and maybe there's a smooth body to it. But in general, it's just... kind of a beer.
Pours a nice amber, with a good tan head that stays well.
Nice and grassy, with a slight floral smell as well. Not a lot of malt in the smell.
Eh. Kind of empty. It's kind of slightly bitter, and kind of maybe a little like a pale, and maybe there's a smooth body to it. But in general, it's just... kind of a beer.
Tibet Lhasa Brewery Brewery, Ltd.'s Lhasa Beer
Last time I had a beer from such a random country, I was very pleasantly surprised. It was Lion Stout from Sri Lanka, and it was a very good beer. So, who knows.
Pours a slightly hazy deep yellow with a big, fizzy, white head that actually stays very well.
Says "all malt lager" on the label, but lists Saaz hops as an ingredient--I know they meant 'all barley malt', but still. Very low hops smell, mostly a sweet malt with a hint of yeast.
Very nice for such a light beer. The taste follows the smell closely. Very light hops that are more apparent in the aftertaste than anywhere else, and a light, smooth, malt that isn't too sweet.
Good beer. Not sure I'll ever have occasion to have it again, but maybe just for kicks.
Pours a slightly hazy deep yellow with a big, fizzy, white head that actually stays very well.
Says "all malt lager" on the label, but lists Saaz hops as an ingredient--I know they meant 'all barley malt', but still. Very low hops smell, mostly a sweet malt with a hint of yeast.
Very nice for such a light beer. The taste follows the smell closely. Very light hops that are more apparent in the aftertaste than anywhere else, and a light, smooth, malt that isn't too sweet.
Good beer. Not sure I'll ever have occasion to have it again, but maybe just for kicks.
Lhasa Beer,
Tibet Lhasa Brewery Brewery
Friday, July 16, 2010
Boulevard Brewing Company's Single-Wide IPA
To me Boulevard is another brewery that distributes beyond its means. Beyond its abilities, certainly, given that their beers generally seem off. Like a small Sam Adams.
This one pours more orange than amber, with a huge tan head that may be because there was some water in my glass, but then again it stuck pretty well so maybe it's legitimate.
Smells OK too. Moderately hoppy for the style, with floral hops that are a bit... soapy.
I like the taste, there's just not enough of it. It's has a slight punch and a good twang to the hops but in a good way. Loses the twang as it warms, and gets a bit harsh.
Not bad, just drink it fast.
This one pours more orange than amber, with a huge tan head that may be because there was some water in my glass, but then again it stuck pretty well so maybe it's legitimate.
Smells OK too. Moderately hoppy for the style, with floral hops that are a bit... soapy.
I like the taste, there's just not enough of it. It's has a slight punch and a good twang to the hops but in a good way. Loses the twang as it warms, and gets a bit harsh.
Not bad, just drink it fast.
Boulevard Brewing Company,
Single-Wide IPA
Fredericksburg Brewing Company
I've been here twice now, both times after hiking Enchanted Rock. It makes a great stop on the way home, or if you're camping in the area. The food is pretty good for what you should expect in the area, and the beers are decent. Not great, and not all good, but worth supporting. Hopefully they'll tweak them in the future to beef them up a little.
The beers are below, and are very briefly described. I took minimal notes because I was tired as hell. But, they all seem to fit what I remember.
Haupsttrasse Helles: This one pours a clear yellow with a fizzy white head. Grassy hops, unusual for a helles. I think of them as much more subdued, but this one has more kick to it than others of the style.
Harper Valley IPA: You know, this one is weak, more like a pale. Looks and smells on style in other ways, but it's just too weak.
Not So Dumb Blonde: It's weak, as expected, but has a harsh, cardboard bitterness that I never like in a beer.
Peacepipe Pale Ale: I like this. It's as bold as an IPA, which makes me wonder if the server didn't mix up the pale and the IPA. Grassy hops with a nice, smooth body.
Enchanted Rock Red Ale: This is a fairly sweet amber with a slight hint of the grassy hops that are used in the Peacepipe. Good beer, but slightly too sweet.
Pioneer Porter: Their best offering if you ask me. Slightly smoky, light tannins, and a smooth body. Nice.
The beers are below, and are very briefly described. I took minimal notes because I was tired as hell. But, they all seem to fit what I remember.
Haupsttrasse Helles: This one pours a clear yellow with a fizzy white head. Grassy hops, unusual for a helles. I think of them as much more subdued, but this one has more kick to it than others of the style.
Harper Valley IPA: You know, this one is weak, more like a pale. Looks and smells on style in other ways, but it's just too weak.
Not So Dumb Blonde: It's weak, as expected, but has a harsh, cardboard bitterness that I never like in a beer.
Peacepipe Pale Ale: I like this. It's as bold as an IPA, which makes me wonder if the server didn't mix up the pale and the IPA. Grassy hops with a nice, smooth body.
Enchanted Rock Red Ale: This is a fairly sweet amber with a slight hint of the grassy hops that are used in the Peacepipe. Good beer, but slightly too sweet.
Pioneer Porter: Their best offering if you ask me. Slightly smoky, light tannins, and a smooth body. Nice.
Pyramid Brewing Company's Thunderhead IPA
Pours a slightly hazy amber with an off-white head.
Great smell. Nice and hoppy, slightly sweet malt backbone.
Pretty good. The hops are a little muted, but still in good form. Nice body to it that is on the heavier end for the style, which I like.
Good beer. I never really go looking for Pyramid beers, but this is the best one of theirs that I can recall.
/in a hurry, for some reason
Great smell. Nice and hoppy, slightly sweet malt backbone.
Pretty good. The hops are a little muted, but still in good form. Nice body to it that is on the heavier end for the style, which I like.
Good beer. I never really go looking for Pyramid beers, but this is the best one of theirs that I can recall.
/in a hurry, for some reason
Pyramid Brewing Company,
Thunderhead IPA
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Dogfish Head's Squall IPA
I'm a sucker for the bombers that are new to Houston, and even though I'm hit and miss on Dogfish beers and I think they play fast and loose with the rules (Palo Santo is not a brown!), I picked this one up right before the 4th,
Pours a nice enough amber, but it pours fast. I was expecting to see more body, and if it's this obvious this early, I'm guessing that it'll be even more obvious in the feel.
Smells very nice. Big and grassy, but not too much malt behind it. I'm thinking I'm one step closer to being disappointed.
Yep, sure enough. The body is just not there, which is a real let down for a beer that is supposed to be this big. It's bitter enough, but there's no malt follow through. The lack of body makes it land flat, and it just feels and tastes fizzy.
I have a couple more DFH bombers sitting around. I'll mix them in with beers that I think will even out the good/bad ratio.
Pours a nice enough amber, but it pours fast. I was expecting to see more body, and if it's this obvious this early, I'm guessing that it'll be even more obvious in the feel.
Smells very nice. Big and grassy, but not too much malt behind it. I'm thinking I'm one step closer to being disappointed.
Yep, sure enough. The body is just not there, which is a real let down for a beer that is supposed to be this big. It's bitter enough, but there's no malt follow through. The lack of body makes it land flat, and it just feels and tastes fizzy.
I have a couple more DFH bombers sitting around. I'll mix them in with beers that I think will even out the good/bad ratio.
90 Minute IPA,
Dogfish Head,
Squall IPA
Moylan's Brewing Company's Ryan Sullivan's Imperial Stout
I've heard plenty about this brewery, but never had one of their beers. I figured I'd start them off with one of my favorite styles and hope for the best.
Pours a completely opaque black with a big dark tan head that sticks very well.
Nice, robust smell. Deep and roasted grain, with more coffee than chocolate.
Nice body as well, goes down smooth and is as heavy as an impy stout should be. Still more coffee flavor than chocolate, which I like, and still has a nice roasted flavor as well.
Simple and straight forward, and just right for the style.
Pours a completely opaque black with a big dark tan head that sticks very well.
Nice, robust smell. Deep and roasted grain, with more coffee than chocolate.
Nice body as well, goes down smooth and is as heavy as an impy stout should be. Still more coffee flavor than chocolate, which I like, and still has a nice roasted flavor as well.
Simple and straight forward, and just right for the style.
Dundee Brewing Company's Honey Brown Extra Rich Lager
Man, I guess wherever Dundee is made "brown" means "crystal clear and kind of orangish." Standard lager head, it fizzes up and then is gone.
The honey smell is fairly strong, mixed in with a harsh malt and alcohol smell. Lots of rise, I think.
Eh, it's like a sweet, bigger, Budweiser. The honey is definitely there, as is the rise-ish harshness that many macro lagers have. It's not a bad beer, it's kind of like the macros--it is what it is.
The honey smell is fairly strong, mixed in with a harsh malt and alcohol smell. Lots of rise, I think.
Eh, it's like a sweet, bigger, Budweiser. The honey is definitely there, as is the rise-ish harshness that many macro lagers have. It's not a bad beer, it's kind of like the macros--it is what it is.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Productura la Florida's Imperial
It's not labeled as such, but this one os clearly a pilsner--and I'm going to say a Czech instead of a German, since it's not very malty.
Pours a clear deep yellow to amber with a huge tan head.
The smell gives it right away. It has the perfect skunk's ass smell that a pilsner should have. Very floral.
Great taste as well. This is a very good pilsner, which is surprising from Costa Rica. I doubt I'll go back to it, but if I see it around I just might.
Pours a clear deep yellow to amber with a huge tan head.
The smell gives it right away. It has the perfect skunk's ass smell that a pilsner should have. Very floral.
Great taste as well. This is a very good pilsner, which is surprising from Costa Rica. I doubt I'll go back to it, but if I see it around I just might.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Caddo Lake State Park

It's scarily close to Louisiana and Arkansas, but Caddo Lake is a beautiful park near Uncertain, Texas. Huge pine trees, and a swamp that is a rarity in Texas--not even the Deliverance-like parts around Beaumont and Orange are as much like a real swamp as this. Like most all state parks there are primitive campsites, screened shelters, and cabins, but this one offers boat tours of the swamps. The tour boat in the park is a little expensive for what you get, so ask around for a more detailed tour.

And no matter what you do, the one time of the year to go to this park is on July 4th. I heard a few years back that they did fireworks over the swamp on the 4th, so I decided to go despite envisioning a couple of hillbillies shooting Roman candles from the shore. Instead, it's about as big as anything I've seen in Waco or Austin, but not timed perfectly or set to music. I'm serious when I say this is a must-see for everyone. The local restaurants aren't that great, so cook at your campsite and spend your money on fishing guides and a tour.

These are just a very few of the pictures I took. For the fireworks, go to Johnson's Ranch in Uncertain, and hang out on the docks. Or, take some chairs and sit by the stage where the local band plays. Parking can fill up, so be prepared to walk, or park in the yard right across the street and give ChiChi $10.00 like I did. It was worth it.

Martens Brewery's Grand 95
I will never buy beer in plastic bottles again.
I will never buy beer in plastic bottles again.
I will never buy beer in plastic bottles again.
I will never buy beer in plastic bottles again.
I will never buy beer in plastic bottles again.
I will never buy beer in plastic bottles again.
I will never buy beer in plastic bottles again.
I will never buy beer in plastic bottles again.
This one was dead on arrival. Poured a cloudy brownish amber with no head and no apparent carbonation.
Smells like pure alcohol, but only for a second, after which it smells like almost nothing.
I'm sure it's gone bad, so this really isn't fair to judge it. But it tastes like bready peanuts, with a chemical residue in there somewhere.
I have to stop buying every single I see, especially Belgians.
I will never buy beer in plastic bottles again.
I will never buy beer in plastic bottles again.
I will never buy beer in plastic bottles again.
I will never buy beer in plastic bottles again.
I will never buy beer in plastic bottles again.
I will never buy beer in plastic bottles again.
I will never buy beer in plastic bottles again.
This one was dead on arrival. Poured a cloudy brownish amber with no head and no apparent carbonation.
Smells like pure alcohol, but only for a second, after which it smells like almost nothing.
I'm sure it's gone bad, so this really isn't fair to judge it. But it tastes like bready peanuts, with a chemical residue in there somewhere.
I have to stop buying every single I see, especially Belgians.
Belgian Strong Ale,
Grand 95,
Martens Brewery
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