Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Left Hand Brewing Company's Warrior IPA

I'm not sure why I come back to Left Hand beers. I keep hoping for the best, I guess.

Pours an orangish=amber with a decent enough light tan head. Low, slow, carbonation.

Smells decent enough as well. Grassy hops with a sweet malty backbone. It's light for an IPA, but good.

Solid bitter hops hit, but it gets dull awful fast. The aftertaste then turns to a grainy, dark bread flavor. Kind of like a heavier Coors in the aftertaste.

I always associate bombers with big beers that are going to knock you out with hops, or a huge grain bill, or something. This one gives none of that. It has a pop, but it fades instantly and just feels, flat.

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