Thursday, January 21, 2010

Twisted Pine Brewing Company's Northstar Imperial Porter

Tonight is the night for bigger beers, I guess. Plus, this is a new(ish) arrival at my Spec's, so I had to get it.

Nice inky black pour with a tan head that sticks at a sheet. No real highlights, even in my hefe glass. Just opaque.

Well, the imperial part has really added to the grain bill in a way that makes this one smell like a solid stout. I don't detect the vinous tannins that usually make a porter what it is. That's OK, stouts are my favorite, but it'll affect the rate to style ranking (not that anyone cares).

That's better. Nice and smooth, a bit more grainy than most porters, again due tot he imperial part, but the tannins are there. Oddly enough they're not more prevalent than in a regular porter, and if anything they are lower than some, but it's still very good. Imperial anythings are not really rateable to style, except as more bold than the regular of the style, and this is no exception. It's bigger in grain and roasted flavor, but the vinous taste is much lower than usual. Some get out of hand though, so that's a good thing in a way. Smooth body that is a little more raw than a porter usually is as well. It dries faster, somehow, and has less of an oily finish.

All in all a very interesting beer. And very good. Seems to be a bit more of a stout than a porter though.

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