Sunday, December 6, 2009

Boulevard Brewing Company's Nut Cracker Ale

I'm not too wild about another Boulevard beer, but it's one of many winter warmers I picked up on my latest beer haul, and I was able to buy it by the single, so no harm no foul if it isn't the best.

An unfiltered warmer. Interesting. Pours the appropriate reddish amber, with a nice tan head that gets pillowy before receding. The unfiltered appearance is nice.

Initially, the pour threw off a bit of a sharp hoppy smell, but it's much more tame once it's all in the glass. After the smell settles it's just straight=up malty. You have to really get in the glass to smell any specifics, and it is a bit bready when you do, but otherwise it just smells like many beers of the type. Nothing fancy, just beer.

Pretty zippy feel to it. The body is bigger than usual because it's unfiltered, but it has pretty good carbonation that makes it feel a little faster. It's also on the slightly high side of bitter for the style. Not overpowering, and not really unbalanced, but just tipping toward bitter. Not sure at what stage they stopped filtering, but it almost tastes wet hopped.

Pretty good beer, and one of the best, if not the best, Boulevard beer I've had.

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