Sunday, December 6, 2009

Rogue Brewing Company's Double Dead Guy

I went on a beer sampling bender yesterday, at a friend's impromptu Christmas-Is-Later-This-Month party, and had about ten different beers. Most have been reviewed fairly recently, so I'm limiting this post to one of the two that wasn't.

Pours a hazy, deep amber with strong carbonation and a big (huge if you're not careful) light tan head that never fully fades.

Great hoppy smell. Grassy. But not too crazy, it's also backed up by a solid malt smell so it's very balanced.

Tastes as expected. Smooth, fairly big body to it. Not just higher in alcohol, which seems to be the sole aim of many strong ales, it has a bigger body and great feel to it. It's not overly hoppy or one dimensional, either, although it's not exactly the sexiest beer out there. But, if you want a fairly large beer without going to a stout or barleywine, or the slightly one-dimensional IPA, this is a good pick. Lots of taste in every category, without any one getting out of hand. The 9% ABV is a bonus, and you can't detect it at all in the taste.

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