Thursday, February 5, 2009

De Proefbrouwerij's Reinaert Flemish Wild Ale

Says Wild Ale on the label, which is why I bought it. Turns out it's a Belgian Strong Ale, which is why I don't like it.

Pours a hazy, oddly neon-glow amberish yellow, with a crisp white head that never really forms--and a Belgian Strong Ale is supposed to have a huge head, like Duvel.

Smells slightly peppery, slightly spicy. Slight Belgian yeasty character to it, but that's minimal compared to most.

Blah. I knew it. The Belgian phenols come out much more strongly in the taste and it finishes with a warming alcohol taste and a lingering band aid aftertaste.

It doesn't look right because the head is absent, but it smells and tastes right on type. I'm not going to finish it, but you probably would if you like Belgians.

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