Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Indian Wells Brewing Company's Lobotomy Bock

I was pacing the floor at Spec's looking for something different, and this label stuck right out at me, like the cover art for Anatomy of a Murder.

Pours a bit weak-looking for a dopplebock, but I was giving it a tall pour to see if it would get a head unlike many dopplebocks so maybe that stretched it a bit thin. Even on a hard pour the head was kind of thin, but it was kind of pillowy and stayed due to decent carbonation that you could see at the rim. It's a solid brownish mahogany, but not as opaque as a beer with this much alcohol would indicate because it would have to have a huge amount of malt to support it.

Smells great. Solid malt with a dark bread feel to it. Alcohol is imperceptible, almost, which is amazing for 10.5% ABV.

Tastes right on type too, but the feel follows the lighter than expected appearance. It just seems like it should be a bigger beer, but feels like a Shiner Bock in body. Which is OK, I'm a Shiner fan, but this is a dopplebock so it should be heavier. Still, great taste and again the alcohol is well hidden. It shows up really only in the warming finish.

Interesting beer. Light enough to drink more of than you'd expect for the type. That may seem like a negative to some, but I like it because it's just a lager version of a high ABV beer. A good mix of big beer with a lighter feel.

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