Saturday, April 16, 2011

August Schell Brewing Company's Schell's Stout

I've had several assorted stouts waiting in the beer cellar (which has now moved from the kitchen cabinets to the bedroom closet) for quite some time. I'm not sure why, but I've been keeping an eye on this one in particular.

Pours an opaque brownish black with a nice tan head despite a very slow pour.

Great, solid smell to it. Lots of roasted grain, but also something sweet. Almost like a milk stout. Maybe a Snicker bar. (I might be a little drunk already.)

Yeah, I would totally have called this a milk stout in a blind tasting. Very smooth and slightly sweet feel and taste. Plenty of roasted grain taste that every stout should have as well, but slightly silky like lactose does.

Nice beer. Fairly substantial for a standard stout.

1 comment:

  1. Their website refers to it as a London sweet stout... but yes, a nice beer... my local grocery store has been stocking this and their Firebrick recently...
