Saturday, August 29, 2009

Dundee Brewing Company's India Pale Ale

One of the last from my Dundee variety pack, and I'm hoping this one redeems the rest.

Pours a good amber color with a decent light tan head. Despite good carbonation, the head is gone pretty quickly, but stays at a sheet.

Smells very good. Solid sweet malt and grassy hops are fairly equal.

The bitterness hits you right up front, but then... nothing. It's very hollow in the taste, and the body is weaker than the malty smell would indicate. It fades quickly to taste like a more bitter Budweiser--and I mean that literally. It doesn't fade to a macro in general, this one tastes like a hoppy Bud.

I like Budweiser, but an IPA that finishes like one is just too weak.

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