Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Anchor Brewing's Christmas Ale 2008

Knowing that I can always count on Anchor to put out a consistently good beer, I went to their 2008 Christmas Ale to redeem tonight's beer experience.

This one pours an opaque, deep brown like a porter with a huge tan head that gets rocky and almost never recedes. It has decent carbonation that you can see only toward the top of the beer due to its opacity.

Huh. Grassiest warmer I've ever smelled. That was the smell of hops thrown off by the head at its height, but as it receded and was replaced by a typical warmer smell that's close to a bock or dark ale, with a deep, fermented fruit smell.

Fairly heavy and smooth for a warmer--close to a porter, but less vinous. Solid slow feel with moderate bitterness that lingers in the aftertaste. Hint of chocolate and roasted malts as it warms, with a crisp finish due to the carbonation.

I like this beer. It's not the sexiest style, but it's solid. It's like a darker, maltier, heavier bodied pale. Pleasing to just about everyone, not risky or bold, but a good, consistent style.

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