Sunday, January 18, 2009

Independence Brewing Company's Austin Amber

My first beer from Independence Brewing Company, and it pissed me off right from the Goddamn start. It foamed out of my glass on a gentle pour, something I'd expect (and watch out for) in a Duvel but not from a straight-up American amber. So it had to overcome a very poor first impression. It was also hugely over carbonated and even without nucleation sites on the bottom of my glass it looked like a waterfall going against gravity. The light tan head that it eventually boils down to is pillowy, which I like. And I like the loosely filtered look with a deep amber color. But still, the bastard foamed out of my glass.

In a turn for the better, it has a great bready malt smell, clean, with slightly grassy hops.

Solid amber taste as well, with a fair amount of bitterness backed up by a good bready malt body. A tad too sweet, which slows down the otherwise crisp feel.

This beer dug itself out of the hole with me, but I hope Independence fixes their carbonation problem. Otherwise, it'll be just like every Austinite I know, fatally flawed, and gushing imperfection.

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