Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hofbrau Munchen's Hofbrau Maibock

I'm waiting for a couple of stouts to chill in the fridge, so in the meantime I thought I'd warm up with a Hofbrau Maibock.

It pours a nice, clear copper with an almost white crisp head that thins quickly. Moderate carbonation with big bubbles, but the head stays only at a sheet. It's to be expected from a bock, so I don't count that as a negative.

Smells malty and a bit slow, I hate to say it but it had a hint of banana--this is the first time I've ever used that word in a beer review, although I see it used far too often. But it left quickly, and was replaced by a slightly bready malt smell.

Tastes like a light bock, or a heavy, malty Euro lager (yes, that's different). Good beer, fairly crisp like a lager should be, but heavier than the lagers we're used to in the US. Slight roasted character and a heavier euro lager mustiness. Solid malty backbone that gives it the bigger bock-like feel.

Not a bad warm up...

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