Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Spoetzel Brewery's Shiner Kosmos Reserve

Glad to see a mixed sixer from Shiner, I buy Real Ale's every once in a while and go to World Markets just to put them together, and I hope Saint Arnold's wakes up and makes them. I'll buy a lot more St. A's if they do.

Anyway, this family six pack had a Kosmos Reserve in it, so it was a no-brainer just for that. It pours a light amber with a crisp white head that thins to a sheet but stays due to strong carbonation.

Crisp lager smell, and lightly malty. I'm going to go with kolsch on the style so far, even though you can't find it anywhere and even the Shiner website is absent any reference of Kosmos Reserve at all.

Yep. Very low and indistinct hops, light, sweet malt, and overall crisp without an aftertaste to speak of. Very good kolsch. I wish they would keep it around, it's better than the blonde, dark, smokehouse, and a couple of others. It also doesn't have that Shiner Bock twang to it, unusual for a Shiner beer. Most of them taste like a Dark Shiner Bock, or Smoke Shiner Bock, or Blonde Shiner Bock, but this stands on its own.

Very good kolsch that I'll buy every chance I get.

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